NUS Graduates from BBBS on an SB20 (From left to right: Wai Peng, Yin Cong, Xuan Hong, Ash)

This year, 4 members from BBBS graduated from NUS. They are Ash, Ying Cong, Xuan Hong and Wai Peng. All 4 of them have been with BBBS for the past few years when they were university students. Their contributions to BBBS are commendable, and we have taken the opportunity to interview them about their time with BBBS.

Ash, graduating with a Bachelors in Biomedical Engineering, shared with us: “I’m glad to have been part of the BBBS family for the past 3 years. It’s an enriching experience to work together with various other volunteers and help make the SSP possible for the secondary school students. We faced many challenges but we always had the support from the adult mentors, who helped us learn from our mistakes. We have had some encouraging feedback from the students and I’m excited to see how the program will further evolve as we move onwards.”

Ying Cong, graduating with a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineeringsaid with overflowing thoughts: “Why I stayed on for so many years? Feel like I’m doing good, that I am impacting the younger kids. Used to tutor a handful of secondary 2-3 students for the subjects which they faced difficulty for free a few years back. Now that they have left secondary school and moved on to tertiary education, it gives me fuzzy feelings knowing how a small contribution from me have possibly benefited them, helping them enroll in schools they want, in courses they like, and maybe a brighter future for them. I’ve always thought being generous meant donating to charities, helping the needy financially. It was only after I joined BBBS that I realized that not only can one be financially generous, you can also be generous with your time & effort. And how are the people here (BBBS)? Haha! I always use this phrase when this question comes up: birds of the same feather, flock together. All of us at BBBS bond over our common interests for sailing, helping others and being a good role model for secondary school kids to look up to. Being a primarily-volunteering organisation, the people who end up committing long term are usually like-minded, and you can expect the same qualities across our group.

Xuan Hong, graduating with a Bachelors in Chemical Engineering, recalled his experiences: “For the time that I’ve spent with BBBS, I would say that it is a group that gives individuals the opportunities to grow and learn. The lessons taught were never like those in a classroom. Even though I was part of the community only towards the end of my undergraduate studies, I could see BBBS growing by the day, and I am grateful to be part of the growth too. Needless to say, together with BBBS, we have gone through challenging times, and imperfections do still persist. But underneath all that, great individuals with drive and passion do continue to surprise me. Be it big or small, BBBS made an impact on my life; and I hope that the community will continue to create more memories, more magic.”

Waipeng, graduating with a Bachelors in Science (Physics) reflected on her time with us: “BBBS has allowed me to grow into the person I am today by not only giving me opportunities to mentor younger kids and learn from them but to learn to lead as a responsible leader. I have gained more confidence through my interaction with secondary school participants and mentors throughout my time in BBBS. It is truly a joy to be part of the team!”

BBBS would like to thank all of their efforts in running our programs and training. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors, as they take up the senior roles in Metazone/BBBS!

Chin Siang Ng

Ng Chin Siang

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